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How Much Does A Mosquito Misting System Cost

You own a beautiful house with an even better backyard, but it attracts mosquitoes once the sun sets. The most effective way to keep mosquitoes at bay would be to set up a mosquito misting system - which protects you while you are out in the yard having a picnic or steak party with your family.

Setting up a mosquito misting system is a permanent solution that will help you in various ways. For example, you can always move with organic insecticides safer than DEET, but they lose efficacy quickly. And pest control services could be more cost-effective in the long run. 

Various types of mosquito misting systems are available in the market today, suiting different types of houses and yards. You must choose the one that fits your residence profile and budget. Once set up, these mosquito misting systems hardly require maintenance other than regularly changing the refills.

The Cost Of Mosquito Misting System

Although the starting price of setting up a mosquito misting system is high, it saves you money as time goes by. You don’t need to hire anyone to spray mosquito repellants around your yard or frequently pay to replenish the repellant stock. With remote-controlled solutions, you can economize on the misting usage too.

The mosquito misting systems are based on a piping system settled around the yard, with regular spray nozzles that spray insecticides. The cost of setting up a mosquito misting system varies between $1000 to $1800, which changes per the yard's area. If your mosquito misting systems require regular refills, it can cost you $0.5 to $1 per ounce. Let’s have a look at the main points to consider while calculating the cost:

  1. The size of your yard area will be crucial to understanding which mosquito misting system needs to be set up and how much the cost will come up. For example, for a yard area of 4000 square feet, you can expect $1,100 as the cost of setting up the system and an additional $600 as labor cost.

  2. The price of the pesticide/insecticide refills will also add to the cost of setting up the mosquito misting system. Ensure that the refills contain only legal substances to eliminate mosquitoes since they can affect the air around you, your family, and your neighbors.

  3. Following the package instructions, you can go for a DIY mosquito misting system. Still, a professional would be able to speed up the process, automate the misting for you, and even take responsibility for any damage in the misting system.

Things To Consider Before Buying A Mosquito Misting System

  1. On average, the mosquito misting system should have 30-60 nozzles spread across your property, with one misting system covering at least 2000 to 5000 square feet of area. If you have planned to refill or clean each insecticide container by yourself, ensure that you have chemical-resistant gloves on to protect yourself from the toxic effects of the insecticides.

  2. Like any other machinery, the mosquito misting system will face wear and tear over time. If you want to handle the maintenance yourself, ensure that the mosquito misting company is ready with spare parts and that you know the expenditure involved in getting new parts.

  3. You do not need an elaborate mosquito misting system for a small property. Instead, you can use a perimeter spray with an insecticide handheld sprayer.

  4. As an additional precaution, ensure that there aren’t any standing water bodies on your land to prevent mosquito larvae from breeding and populating.

Benefits Of Mosquito Misting System

  1. With new technology, the mosquito misting system can run on a timer or even with remote control. This hugely reduces the need to go around your property with a spray tank twice daily to keep your home and yard mosquito-free.

  2. With a mosquito misting system, you can use your patio, pool area, or outdoor dining area without having to worry about disease-causing mosquitoes beforehand.

  3. The automated mosquito misting systems also have a tanker indicator to inform you about how much insecticides are left in the misting system and when it needs a refill or even when you should suspect leakages. This way, you won’t be left in a corner with a malfunctioning mosquito misting system and buzzing mosquitoes around.

How Safe Are Mosquito Misting Systems?

This is a common question that can come to your mind - will the mosquito misting systems affect your and your family’s health too? Not as long as you are away when the misting is happening and when you follow the label of the pesticides correctly.

The mosquito mist can cause respiratory problems or skin irritation, so you need to stay away from the misting area when it is time to mist and wear chemical-resistant gloves if you want to clean it yourself.

Mosquito Misting Systems Will Save You A Ton Of Time, Energy, And Cost

Mosquito misting systems have an added advantage over a manual pesticide sprinkling strategy - it also sprays an optimal amount of insecticides at one go, which settles in the air and around your property to keep mosquitoes at bay. If you had done it manually, you might have used too much of the insecticides and spent too much on depleting insecticide levels.

The depleting tank indicator in a mosquito misting system will also inform you of whether there are leakages, which adds to the overall cost of installing the system. And, of course, your time is money. So while the mosquito misting system works, you can enjoy quality time with your family outdoors or even work peacefully in the fresh air.

Some mosquito misting systems are automated to spray when the mosquitoes are high in number - like dusk, dawn, and evening hours. This will also prevent the misting system from harming insects like bees and butterflies. I suggest you look for companies that provide a lifetime warranty on the misting system and labor, a monthly subscription that covers spraying and refills, and a remote-controlled system - because these are cost-effective solutions.

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