3 Secrets to a Cool, Green Lawn This Summer

3 Secrets to a Cool, Green Lawn This Summer

Summertime is a great time to enjoy your lawn. A well-manicured, green lawn can add to your home's aesthetic and curb appeal. However, keeping your lawn looking good in the summer heat can be a challenge.

In this blog post, we will share three secrets to keeping your lawn looking incredible and green this summer with some lawn care basics.

Let’s dive in.

1. Don’t cut it too short

One of the best things you can do when mowing your lawn is to keep it tall. This may seem counterintuitive, but hear us out. Mowing your lawn too short will actually make it more susceptible to drought and heat stress. By cutting high, you are allowing your grass to develop deeper roots, which will help it better withstand the summer heat.

So, how high should you mow your grass? For most types of grass, you should aim for a height of about two and a half to three inches. Of course, be sure to check what the recommended height is for the type of grass you have before mowing.

How often should you mow your lawn? Generally, you should aim to mow your yard about once a week. Nevertheless, depending on how quickly your grass grows, you might need to mow more or less frequently.

The type of grass you have will typically determine how often you need to cut it. 

2. Water deeply and infrequently

Another secret to a cool, green lawn this summer is to water deeply and infrequently. This may seem like common sense, but you'd be surprised how many people mistake watering their lawns too often and not deeply enough.

When you water your lawn, you should aim to give it a deep watering that saturates the root zone. This will encourage your grass to develop deeper roots, which will help it better withstand drought conditions.

How often should you water your lawn? That depends on a few factors, such as the type of soil you have, the type of grass you have, and the weather conditions.

Be sure to check the weather forecast before watering, as you may need to water more or less often depending on the expected amount of rain. However, as a general rule of thumb, you should water your lawn about once a week.

If you have an automatic sprinkler system, set it to water deeply and infrequently. Most systems can be programmed to do this, so be sure to consult your owner's manual or the manufacturer's website for more information.

Watering early in the morning is always best, as this gives the water a chance to get to the roots of the grass before the heat of the day sets in. If you water in the evening, there is a risk that the water will evaporate before it has a chance to reach the roots.

3. Use mulch

mulch helps keep your grass green

Mulching is a great way to keep your lawn cool and green in the summer heat. Mulch helps to insulate the soil and prevent evaporation, which can help your grass stay hydrated during hot weather. It also helps to suppress weeds, which can compete with your grass for water and nutrients.

There are many different types of mulch that you can use on your lawn. Some popular options include wood chips, bark, straw, and leaves. Be sure to choose a type of mulch that is appropriate for your climate and soil type. You should also avoid using too much mulch, as this can actually suffocate your grassroots.

A general rule of thumb is to apply a layer of mulch two to four inches thick.

Here are some other tips for improving your yard:

  • Aerate your lawn: Aerating your lawn helps to improve drainage and allows water, air, and nutrients to reach the roots of your grass. It also helps to reduce compaction, which can make it difficult for your grass to grow.

  • Overseed your lawn: Overseeding is a great way to thicken up your yard and improve its appearance. It can also help to improve the overall health of your grass.

  • Use a soil test kit: A soil test kit can help determine if your grass is getting the nutrients it needs. It can also help you determine if your soil is too acidic or alkaline.

  • Hire a professional: Are you worried you won't have enough time to do all these tips? Stay consistent with your lawn care by hiring a professional like Heroes Lawn Care for all of your lawn needs.

Wrapping up

So now that you know the secret to a healthy, green lawn this summer, what are you waiting for?

Get out there. Start watering. Start mowing. And in no time at all, you will be enjoying the fruits (or should we say "grasses"? 😉 ) of your labor.

Add a nice egg chair or outdoor garden bar to add the final touches and complete your lawn makeover.

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