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5 Creative Ways to Repurpose Jewelry as Home Decor

If you have old jewelry — from vintage engagement rings to statement necklaces —that you no longer wear or use, you might consider selling it to someone who will appreciate its timeless beauty.

Selling old jewelry online or through a local antique shop can be a great way to declutter your space and make some extra cash. But that's not the only option you have!

Jewelry doesn't have to be exclusively for wearing — it can also serve as a unique way to spruce up your home decor. Don't throw away or sell those old earrings, necklace pendants, and charms — instead, put them back into use in creative and unexpected ways. 

From wall hangings to dreamcatchers, you'll be surprised by how many eye-catching projects you can make with just some of your already-owned jewelry pieces! 

Whether you're looking to give new life to broken heirlooms or want something sparklier than average on display around the house, this blog post is here with lots of ideas on making the most out of precious jewelry items.

1. Turn necklace pendants into wall hangings

One of the most popular ways to repurpose jewelry is to transform necklace pendants into wall hangings. This idea works with metal and gemstone pendants, so it's a great way to use any jewelry you have lying around.

All you need is some ribbon or twine, glue, and essential tools. You can tie the ribbon around the pendant, attach it to a frame or backing, and voila! - you have a stunning piece of wall art.

You can also take it a step further and add beads, feathers, and other items to create a truly one-of-a-kind piece. The only limit is your imagination!

2. Make a jewelry chandelier

This one may sound complicated at first, but it's relatively easy to make with just some jewelry items and a few supplies from the craft store. Start by collecting any earrings, necklaces, or other pieces you don't wear anymore. 

Then, use some wire and glue to attach the items to a coat hanger or frame. Hang your chandelier from the ceiling; you now have a stunning decorative light in your home!

The shapes, sizes, and colors of the jewelry items you use will all impact the look of your chandelier, so make sure to experiment with different combinations until you find your favorite.

3. Make a boho dreamcatcher

Dreamcatchers are traditional Native American objects believed to protect against bad dreams. You can easily create one with some old jewelry items - all you need are earrings, charms, beads, and feathers. 

First, attach the most significant piece (usually an earring) to the center of your dreamcatcher frame. Then, add smaller pieces around it in whatever pattern you like. Finally, glue on any additional decorations, such as feathers and beads, and your dreamcatcher is complete!

This is a great way to repurpose jewelry that may not have any sentimental value but still has some sparkle - such as costume pieces or broken items. You can use natural sapphire rings, silver pendants, vintage earrings - whatever you have. The more unique and colorful the piece, the better!

4. Create a jewelry curtain

Stringing jewelry items together is a popular way to repurpose your old pieces in home decor. All you need is some thread or yarn, plus any necklaces, earrings, and charms you don't wear anymore. 

String them together in whatever pattern you like, and hang your jewelry curtain as a stunning window treatment.

You can also use this idea to make a room divider or wall art piece. Just string the pieces together between two frames, and it's ready to be hung wherever you like.

5. Make a jewelry mirror

This project is especially great for those of you with lots of broken or mismatched jewelry pieces. Simply attach the items around the edge of a mirror or picture frame in any pattern you like, and voila! You have an incredibly unique and beautiful piece to display in your home.

It's also a great way to make use of all those small bits and pieces that you may not be able to string together or incorporate into other projects. The more mismatched the items, the more interesting your mirror will look.

Wrapping up

These are just some of the ways that you can repurpose your old jewelry items in home decor.

With some creativity and a few supplies, you can transform any jewelry piece into one-of-a-kind works of art that will make a statement in your home.

So don't throw away those unique pieces - get creative and find a new way to enjoy them!

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