Top 10 Tips for Preventing Mold in Your Bathroom 

Top 10 Tips for Preventing Mold in Your Bathroom 

Nothing can be more frustrating than mold growing in your bathroom.

Molds present a health hazard. The health hazard is mainly attributable to spores produced by molds. If you inhale the spores, you might develop respiratory issues, skin irritation, and other health complications.

Mold infestation usually happens due to the accumulation of moisture inside your bathroom. With this fact in mind, keeping your bathroom dry at all times can slow or stop mold growth. 

No one wants to step into a bathroom that has mold. Mold produces a musty odor. It also gives your bathroom an unappealing appearance to guests as well.

The easiest way to identify mold in your bathroom is to look for dark brown or gray spots. Mold also has a slimy texture.

Below are ten tips and tricks that you can employ to prevent mold in your bathroom.

1. Use an Exhaust Fan

 As stated earlier, mold grows in moisture-filled areas. It’s obvious then that keeping your bathroom moisture-free should be a priority. The chances of mold growth are negligible when humidity is low. Use an exhaust fan to create low-humid conditions in your bathroom. 

Your fan will suck in any moist air in your shower and send it outside once you turn it on. The moisture passes in spaces called vents inside the fan. Contact your team emergency plumber if you are struggling to get the ideal fan for your bathroom.

If you choose the DIY route, be sure to select a fan that will address the unique needs of your bathroom.

2. Ensure You Run the Fan Well

After taking a hot shower, it’s natural that humid air will be generated. Switching your fan on before and during the showering session isn’t enough.

You should also leave your fan running for about 30 minutes after showering. Doing this will prevent the attachment of leftover moisture to the bathroom walls and ceiling. Leftover moisture can damage your bathroom walls and ceiling. 

The good thing with an exhaust fan is that you can set the timer on it for about 30 minutes, after which it will shut down automatically. A timer allows you to continue performing your chores as the fan sucks out the leftover moisture.

3. Install Underfloor Heating

A combination of a fan and an underfloor heating system is a game changer in battling mold in your washroom. Underfloor heating will prevent your bathroom from becoming too damp.

It will also add a luxurious touch to your bathroom. When taking a shower in the morning, cold and toasty tiles may be a bit uncomfortable, especially for your child. Underfloor heating can be an effective solution to this problem. 

4. Use a Squeegee

After showering, take a few minutes to run a squeegee on the moist areas in your washroom. These moist areas include your bathtub, shower walls, and shower door. This exercise takes only a few seconds.

Failure to use a squeegee will lead to the evaporation of water present on your bathroom surfaces. This may lead to humid air, a perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew growth.

Do not fail to use a squeegee even if you are pressed on time after taking a shower. If you notice water dripping on your bathroom window on the inner side, use a squeegee to dry it out. 

5. Use a Dehumidifier

In some cases, an exhaust fan may be insufficient to keep low humidity levels in your bathroom. This is mainly the case if you live in highly humid areas.

Use a dehumidifier to supplement your fan. A dehumidifier maintains a low level of humidity and also removes moisture. Moisture removal, in turn, prevents the growth of mold.

It is crucial to note that a dehumidifier cannot substitute your washroom fans. They work in a complementary manner, but sometimes it can be a brilliant move.

6. Fix Bathroom Leaks

You may have a perfectly working fan and a dehumidifier but still have a mold problem. A leak provides perfect conditions for mold growth. Leaks also cause the accumulation of moisture. Your washroom may suffer extensive mold infestation if you leave plumbing leaks unaddressed.

Contact your local plumber right away if you notice any signs of plumbing leaks. Do not procrastinate or ignore the problem. Instead, take immediate action and have an experienced plumber address the issue immediately. It is easier to prevent mold infestation than to remove it. 

7. Keep Shower Windows and Doors Open After Showering

Keep your door and windows open after showering. Doing this allows air to circulate freely in your washroom. There is little chance of the water vapor condensing on the washroom surfaces as air circulates.  

 Opening your bathroom door and windows also allow penetration of natural light. Natural light helps keep your bathroom mold-free by inhibiting mold and mildew growth.

8. Use Bathroom-Specific Paint    

Regular paint has its molecules a wee bit spread than bathroom-specific paint. The paint molecules in bathroom-specific paint rest closer together. This compactness leaves few spaces that moisture can exploit to penetrate in. As such, mold growth is severely limited. Molds thrive in cracked and moist areas.

In addition to having more compactness, bathroom paints also have antimicrobial agents. The agents impede mold growth. These paints increase the lifespan of your bathroom walls and ceilings.

9. Schedule Regular Cleaning 

Routine cleaning is one trick that will deliver incredible results. We all clean our bathrooms. The downside is that the lack of a clear schedule may impede the desired results.

Create a bathroom cleaning schedule that you will stick to strictly. Regular and consistent cleaning will prevent the growth of these harmful fungi. Be sure to use antifungal cleaners during cleaning. These agents are effective in killing any developing mold. 

10. Regularly Wash Your Towels, Bathroom Rugs, and Shower Curtains

In addition to routinely cleaning your bathroom, you should also develop a schedule to clean your bathroom towels, shower curtains, and towels. Mold infestation is likely to happen if you leave these items unwashed for a long time.

As previously mentioned, mold thrives on moist surfaces. As such, cleaning these stuff at least once a week is enough to protect them from fungal infestation. Regularly changing your shower curtain line can also prove helpful.

Final thoughts

Mold is an unwelcome guest in any home, especially when it takes up residence in the bathroom. Fortunately, with a few simple steps, you can help to prevent mold from forming in your bathroom.

Regularly clean and dry your bathroom surfaces, keep your bathroom well-ventilated and use a dehumidifier to keep the humidity levels in check. Additionally, immediately repair any leaks or moisture problems, and use mold-resistant paint on your walls and ceilings.

With a little effort, you can help prevent mold from forming in your bathroom and keep your bathroom clean, safe, and healthy.

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