5 Best Practices for Toilet Maintenance and Cleanliness

5 Best Practices for Toilet Maintenance and Cleanliness

A toilet is something that many people take for granted. But, if you don't clean it regularly and maintain it, your toilet will start to collect grime and bacteria over time.

This can lead to some nasty smells and even health risks. In this post, we'll show you how to properly clean and maintain your toilet to stay sparkling clean for years to come!

Oh, and before we get started - a word of warning. This is not for the faint of heart. If cleaning toilets makes you squeamish, consider calling a professional or investing in some disposable gloves and a scrubbing brush.

1. Practice Proper Flushing

You've likely heard about the "three P's" for proper toilet use – pee, poop, and paper. It might sound funny, but it's true! When you flush your toilet, make sure that you flush the right things down there. 

If you don't want to deal with a clogged toilet, you should only be flushing human waste and toilet paper. That's it! There are no paper towels, no feminine hygiene products, and no flushable wipes.

Even if a product says it is flushable, it doesn't mean that it won't cause problems. Those "flushable" wipes are one of the main culprits of clogged toilets. So save yourself the headache and stick to the three P’s.

2. Don't Neglect The Toilet Seat

Most people know that it's essential to keep their bathrooms clean. However, when it comes to cleaning the toilet, many people focus solely on the bowl and overlook the seat. Yet the seat is one of the essential parts of the toilet to clean regularly. 

According to a recent study, the average toilet seat is covered in more than 50 bacteria per square inch. Yikes! While most of these bacteria are harmless, some can cause serious illness. 

Since toilets are frequently used for things like changing diapers and wiping up spills, they are often even more heavily contaminated than other surfaces in the bathroom. Regularly cleaning the toilet seat helps remove harmful bacteria and keep your bathroom clean and safe.

3. Disinfect Every Week

Most people know that toilets need to be cleaned regularly, but many don't realize how important it is to disinfect them. Toilets are a prime breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, and if they're not properly cleaned, these pathogens can spread quickly, leading to illness. 

One of the best ways to disinfect a toilet is to use a bleach-based cleaner. Bleach is effective at killing germs, and it can also help remove stains and build-up. To use bleach to clean your toilet, add a cup of bleach to the bowl and let it sit for 10 minutes before flushing. Wear gloves and open the windows for ventilation when using bleach. 

Wearing durable vinyl gloves while cleaning toilets can protect your hands from harmful chemicals and bacteria. However, it's important to note that cleaning toilets can still be an unpleasant task, so it's important to assess your tolerance for such tasks before diving in.

You can also use vinegar or hydrogen peroxide as alternatives to bleach, mix equal parts vinegar with equal parts water and use the solution for disinfecting the toilet.

4. Clean The Toilet Water Tank

Most people never think about their toilet tank, but it needs to be cleaned regularly for both maintenance and cleanliness. The tank is where water is stored before it is flushed into the bowl, and it can become home to all sorts of bacteria and build-up. 

This build-up can lead to foul odors, stains, and even clogs if not cleaned regularly. Luckily, cleaning the toilet tank is easy and only takes a few minutes. 

The first step is to turn off the water supply and flush the toilet until the tank is empty. Then, remove the lid and use a sponge or brush to scrub the sides of the tank, being sure to reach the bottom. Once you've scoured the inside of the tank, you can use a garden hose to rinse it out thoroughly. Be sure to reattach the lid before turning the water supply back on.

5. Don't Delay The Maintenance 

Every homeowner knows that some chores just can't be put off. Mowing the lawn, for example, needs to be done regularly, or else the grass will quickly get out of control. The same is valid for toilet maintenance.

While it might not be the most pleasant task, regular maintenance and upkeep are essential for preventing serious problems down the road. So don’t hesitate to search for and hire local cleaning services like house cleaning Sydney.

For one thing, a clogged toilet can cause a significant backup in your home's plumbing system. In addition, if you ignore small leaks, they can quickly turn into major, expensive problems. 

So don't procrastinate when it comes to toilet maintenance. Be sure to flush regularly, clean the bowl and seat, and fix any leaks as soon as possible. You can contact ARS' emergency plumbing services if you need professional help. Taking care of your toilet now will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

And for those looking to upgrade their toilet system for enhanced performance and cleanliness, consider installing the Sanibest Pro toilet, which combines powerful flushing capabilities with easy maintenance for a worry-free bathroom experience.

Wrapping Up

Although it may seem like a daunting task, following these simple tips can help keep your toilet clean and functioning correctly.

This will save you time and money in the long run, but it will also ensure that your bathroom remains a hygienic and pleasant place to be.

So put on some gloves, roll up your sleeves, and get to work – your bathroom (and guests) will thank you!

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