A Guide to Turning Your Bedroom into a Stress-Free Sleep Oasis

A Guide to Turning Your Bedroom into a Stress-Free Sleep Oasis

In any home, the bedroom is everyone's comfort place. It's where we go to get away from the world and rest our bodies and minds. A good night's sleep reduces anxiety, improves brain performance, and improves heart health. It's not surprising that we crave comfort and coziness regarding bedroom interior design in these stressful times. Soft fabrics and cozy textures are always trendy when it comes to the interior design of the bedroom. 

Obviously, a comfortable bed with a cozy mattress is at the top of the list. For example, there are mattresses like the handcrafted collection of Heritage mattresses, which are made of wool and cotton and are perfect for a good night's sleep. Then it's a matter of layering high thread count bedding, comfortable cushions, and handcrafted quilts to create a deliciously soft oasis where you can escape the stresses of the day. In this article, you will find a guide on transforming your bedroom into the perfect sleeping oasis.

Keep an appropriate room temperature 

AC helps keep your room cool during sleep

Obtaining a cozy, warm room temperature is essential for a good night's sleep. The temperature significantly impacts your ability to fall and stay asleep. As each person is different, experiment with different thermostat settings to see what feels most comfortable for you. You are unlikely to get a good night's sleep if your room is too hot or too cold, but this will vary depending on the individual. 

You have several options in order to create the perfect room temperature. Installing a programmable thermostat or a furnace, using ceiling fans or air conditioners, opening windows to allow air to circulate, and keeping extra blankets on hand are all ways to keep your room comfortable. For example, if you live in Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, or near Coquitlam, it is a great idea to check with local contractors what type of furnace installation Port Coquitlam and its surrounding area have to offer.

Block out the light

blocking light at night helps you fall asleep faster

Electrical light exposure before and during sleep suppresses melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles. When light is detected, it delays the release of melatonin, produces cortisol, and keeps your body temperature elevated, resulting in wakefulness. As a result, darkness is essential for deep, restorative sleep and a regular sleep clock. Before going to bed, try to turn off, unplug, or cover any lights in your room. 

If you're concerned about making your way to the bathroom at night, a motion-activated night light or under-the-bed light can help you find your way without disturbing your sleep. If your windows let in too much light or you sleep past sunrise, investing in blackout window shades to keep your bedroom dark is game-changing for improved sleep. You can always wear an eye mask to sleep if blocking all the light isn't possible.

Add calming color palettes 

green and blue colors are calm and warm

Colors can change our mood. When creating your bedroom, try to include calming colors, such as lilac, baby blues, or light greens, to promote a sense of relaxation. Painting your bedroom walls one of these colors can drastically alter the room's look. 

Additionally, you can also incorporate such colors into the room through different bed sheets, curtains, pillowcases, and wall decor. Soothing colors are perfect for creating a zen environment as you close your eyes for the night. Colors that are bright and energetic, such as red and orange, are not very comfortable. 

Remove all electronic devices

avoid blue light in electronics to improve sleep quality

Cell phones, laptops, and TVs are all distractions that can keep you awake when using them before going to sleep. We spend a big part of our day using one of these electronic devices, so it is natural to avoid them before bed. If you want a good night's sleep, removing all electronic devices from your bedroom is a very important step to follow. 

All electronic devices emit a blue LED light, causing your brain to continue working and tiring you without even realizing it. So, one hour before going to sleep, stop using any electronic devices and instead use this time to meditate, read a book, and let your mind calm down. Instead of attaching a TV to your bedroom wall, you can fill the space with creative bookshelves that will motivate you to buy more books instead of paying for streaming services and scrolling through different apps. 

Add decorations  

add an egg chair to your room to keep it fun

A simple and peaceful bedroom is an essential component for good sleep. Add some neutral-colored bedding and simple furniture that complements both the space and your tastes.

Consider purchasing lazy bags or egg chairs to add some fun elements without disrupting the room's calm feel. You can purchase a rug with subtle hints of soothing colors.

Finally, put some houseplants, which can provide a sense of calm by bringing a little nature indoors. 

Final thoughts 

Having the bedroom of your dreams is one of the best feelings in the world. You work long hours, and after a tiring day, all you want is to go to your safe place and get your well-deserved rest.

Spend some extra money and purchase a quality mattress paired with soft linens. Remove all possible disruptions and add inventive decorations; you will have the perfect oasis of peace in your bedroom. 

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