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Hotel Bedding: Tips for Choosing Hotel Linen

Hotel linen is the first thing that a guest looks at in a hotel room. It contributes negatively to the overall impression of the hotel if it shows signs of bad linens, is oddly colored or has an unpleasant odor.

The study found that a hotel with 120 rooms could spend $65,000 on hotel linen laundering over a year. That means it is accounting for 25% of the cost of linen.

Lowering operating costs in the hospitality industry can be difficult but there are some things hotels can do to save money. If hotels are smart about the purchasing process and how they take care of linens it can last longer.

Hotels can improve customer satisfaction, reduce operating and labor costs and increase their commitment to sustainability by following these tips when buying new linens:

Choose Long-Lasting Linens

Most customers prefer organic cotton because it is more durable. It reduces GMG emissions and landfill waste by recycling an average of 2-4 times, saving money and the environment.

The Fabrics Should Be Procured From Low Water-Stress Areas

Textile crops account for only 2% of agricultural land but consume 20% of the water used in agriculture. Checking the origin of hotel linen allows hotels to ensure that their linens were sourced responsibly.


The designs and patterns of the hotel linens are distinctive. It does not only provide an identity but also uniqueness, it can be the bedsheet or window curtains. The specific designs create a difference, their style, and freshness, distinctive appearances.

Knitted Alternatives to Woven

Towels are typically woven but the weaving method employs a different manufacturing process that saves up to 15% on energy and produces softer, more breathable mattresses, which customers love.

During the Manufacturing Process, Make Sure the Linen Is Bleached With Ozone

Most of the linen is bleached white with toxic chemicals, which contribute to pollution, water wastage, and greenhouse gas emissions. Ozone bleaching is a non-toxic process that produces a bright white color, making it a safe and environmentally friendly option for guests.

Getting It Right the First Time Approach

Hotels reduce the need for re-washing by washing linens correctly the first time with proper washing programs and pre-spotting procedures. It increases labor productivity while reducing energy and water consumption.

Employees and Visitors Are Being Educated About New Laundry Policies and Procedures

When washing policies and practices are improved, it is important to train employees on the new method to ensure that linens are handled properly.

It is also important to inform guests about the hotel's environmental policies and solicit their cooperation on implementing new washing practices so that guests know when linens will be changed.

Repurposing Linens Is a Great Way to Save Money

When linens have reached the end of their useful life, hotels mustn't discard them. Instead, some good-quality hotel linens help hotels establish a process with communities so that linens can be reused as cleaning rags, pocket linings, and other fabric trimmings.


Hotels that use 100 percent organic cotton can recycle or compost the used clothing with the help of a collaboration with a third-party provider. This benefits both the environment and the image of the hotel.


Choosing, maintaining, and purchasing hotel linen is one of the most difficult tasks when it comes to starting a hotel.

Good liens are an essential part of running a successful hotel and scoring positive customer reviews.

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