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7 Essential Things to Know Before Moving to Australia

Australia offers plenty of reasons that attract foreigners to this corner of the world.

It’s a unique destination offering incredible wildlife, stunning natural surroundings, and some of the best road trips in the world.

Australia has one of the highest quality of life indexes globally, providing endless job and education opportunities and strong environmental quality.

Moving to a country with such great life satisfaction seems like a wonderful idea, but the process might be a bit too complicated and intimidating to foreigners.

To simplify this procedure, here are some of the essential things you should know before you move to Australia:

The visa application process

Depending on your reason for moving to Australia, there are various visa options you could go for. The two most common types are: 

  • Student visas: Last up to five years and require a spot at an eligible educational institution.

  • Work visas: These come in several different types based on the specific job and can grant permanent residency in case certain conditions are met. 

The required documentation and overall costs will vary from one visa to another, so it’s recommended to research the official stipulations for your visa in advance.

You can learn more by visiting the official Australian government website.

Finding suitable accommodation

From bustling cities to calm rural areas, Australia is a large country with plenty of destinations. No matter where you decide to live, you can find the best accommodation solutions before the move.

There are several rental property search websites online allowing you to search based on preferred parameters such as location, price, number of bedrooms, and more.

If you’re moving to Australia as a student, remember that many educational institutions provide managed student accommodation. There’s also the option of student homestays that allow you to live with a local family.

Health insurance options

Healthcare is provided to Australians through Medicare, the national healthcare system. However, many residents decide to invest in private health insurance as well to cover the costs of services that don’t fall under Medicare.

If your country has a healthcare agreement with Australia, such as New Zealand and certain European countries, you may be able to access their national health services. Some visas could also make you eligible for Medicare.

However, the Australian government still recommends private insurance policies for non-residents to ensure you won’t have to pay out of pocket for the medical attention you might require.

Finding a job in Australia

Unless you are moving to Australia specifically for education, you will likely need to find a new job once you arrive. Fortunately, the climate is quite favourable.

While the country has nearly reached full employment, meaning that anyone able and willing to work already has a job, many industries are experiencing shortages. They are prepared to attract new employees with great benefits.

Finding a good position in your industry likely won’t be an issue. But if you want to advance your career, you could also find the best MBA in Australia and complete a few online courses. A Master of Business Administration degree will open up a new world of possibilities.

Setting up a bank account

Whether you need to receive paychecks or simply want to make life in Australia easier, setting up a bank account will be another important step.

You can complete this process online before moving to the country as long as you can submit the necessary visa and passport information.

Remember that this will likely only enable you to make deposits and use online banking services. In many Australian banks, other aspects of your account won’t be accessible before you formally identify yourself at a branch by providing your ID, passport, birth certificate, etc.

Transport in the country

Public transport options in Australia are abundant and efficient. Buses, coaches, trams, and trains are all easily accessible, making it quite simple to get around between or within cities.

While Melbourne has the largest tram network in the world, Sydney is the only city in Australia offering an automated rapid transport metro system. Fares will likely vary depending on your location, which is why it’s recommended to research different options in advance.

International students may also get discounted rates based on the specific territory’s regulations.

General things to know

Plenty of misconceptions are present about life in Australia. Being a continent and the sixth largest country in the world, Australia is much bigger than you might imagine.

Although summers are quite hot here and proper sun protection is advised, the weather isn’t always warm. In fact, the country has all four seasons (opposite to those in the northern hemisphere) and even provides incredible winter sports opportunities.

The wildlife isn’t quite as scary either, with only a small number of serious incidents being reported each year. The slang is interesting, the local culture is quite unique, and the natural surroundings are diverse and truly breathtaking as well.

Once you have settled into your forever home, don’t forget to take the Australian citizenship test to become a full citizen of this beautiful country.

Final thoughts

With a high quality of life and a good happiness index, Australia is a great country to relocate to. Keep the above factors in mind to ensure the move is as smooth and successful as possible.

Written by Brigitte Evans

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