Ride With Confidence: 5 Road Biking Tips for Beginners

Ride With Confidence: 5 Road Biking Tips for Beginners

If you are new to cycling, it's quite easy to get intimidated by road cyclists wearing proper outfits and equipped with protective gear.

But if you've taken up cycling as a hobby, it's great, and you should feel proud that you've taken a step toward your health. And honestly, you don't need a ton of fancy equipment to get started.

All you need are safe riding tips and basic equipment like a helmet to explore new destinations safely on the road.

Here, we have discussed five biking tips every beginner should know to ride safely and confidently. Read on. 

1. Pick the Right Bike 

It all starts with choosing the right set of wheels! While there are multiple fancy and expensive bike options, pick the one suitable for the road.

Opt for lightweight bikes with skinny tires and efficient riding geometry designed to help you take paved bike paths and different streets.

Also, while shopping for a bicycle, consider the bike's size for height. 

lightweight road bike

2. Always Wear a Helmet 

Did you know nearly 60% of all cycling deaths in the U.S are caused due to head injuries?

Studies have shown that many of these injuries could have been avoided if cyclists wore helmets. So, it is a no-brainer to always wear a helmet whenever you're cycling. 

While many states have bike helmet laws, every biker should wear a helmet even if your area doesn't have any laws.

Make sure to pick a helmet from the safety point of view and not just to flaunt your riding skills. Pick one that's comfortable and fits your head, your style, and your budget. 

bike helmet

3. Stay Safe & Prepared for Emergencies 

Staying safe on the road goes beyond wearing a helmet. You should take care of plenty of other things when riding a bicycle.

The rider should always have a multitool that includes tools you can use to loosen, tighten, or fix almost anything during your ride. You might not like to admit it, but many rides don't go as you plan them and can result in uncertain consequences like accidents.

biker overlooking Golden Gate bridge

And if you ever get hit by a car and sustain severe injuries due to the driver's fault, you should immediately get in touch with a bicycle accident lawyer.

With the help of a lawyer, you can file a personal injury claim and receive compensation for all your damages. You might feel like not indulging in the hassle of lawyers and court, but getting the money you deserve is imperative. 

To help you find the best lawyer, you can ask your friends for a referral or simply conduct a Google search for your local area, like “personal injury lawyer Jacksonville.”

4. Know the Rules 

Before you take up your bicycle and go on the road to have a thrilling experience, make sure you know all the rules. This includes following the traffic rules, such as coming to a stop at all stop signs and using hand signals to inform others that you're making a lane change.

bike hand signals

Besides, never assume that the driver behind you knows all the rules and will drive responsibly. 

When you're on the road, no matter whether you are riding a bicycle or driving a car, you need to be alert and aware of your surroundings.

If you're not confident about your riding skills, practice with someone who knows how to ride well. The idea is to ride a bicycle in the company of a trustable source who can guide you along the way. 

5. Be Consistent 

If you've just started riding a bicycle – your first few rides might be tiring, and your body is taking up all the stress and adjusting to it. But that doesn't mean you have to take unnecessary pressure.

As with all the other things in life, you need to be consistent to become the master of your game. 

group of friends biking

Prepping and deciding on how to get on the bike can feel like the hardest part but doing a little preparation in advance is all you need to get started.

You don't need to become a morning person and ride at sharp 6 AM or ride 100 miles just within the first or second week. The aim should be to stay consistent and figure out your riding style. 

To Sum It All Up 

To start a safe cycling journey, you are advised to start with flat pedals and athletic shoes. With time, you can switch to road bike shoes and clipless pedals, whatever makes you feel safe and secure.

Also, wear all the protective gear and keep a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the journey.

Make use of these tips as mentioned above and ride your bicycle with confidence. 

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