Packing For a Short Trip: How to Ensure You Have Everything You Need

Packing For a Short Trip: How to Ensure You Have Everything You Need

Are you planning a trip away? I bet you’re excited. Walks along the beach, far superior food, the chance to relax finally. Except there is one little thing niggling at your brain as the trip becomes closer, have you prepared adequately?

Pack only slightly more than you need

You know the way you tend to pack 7 days’ worth of underwear for a 3-day weekend trip, and then some? Just in case? Take that attitude on anything else you might feel you might be changing through or using a lot, like t-shirts. 

Even if you are a backpacker that needs to keep their load as light as possible, pack slightly more essentials than necessary. But make sure the items you do over-prep are on the lighter side. Think Uniqlo Airism thin! That way, they won’t take up too much space or weight. 

For those needing medication. You don’t know what might delay your coming back, so don’t take the chance on important medications if this is something you will need to have with you. If your flight is canceled, your accommodation fell through, or you simply want to stay a little longer, you’ll need your meds. You’ll be upset if you have to return just to pick up some pills. 

Preparing for lost luggage

If your luggage gets lost and all your belongings are in there, you’re going to be in trouble for the rest of your trip. Ideally, split some essential items between your main cabin luggage and hand luggage in case one does go missing.

One of the things you should do is store your luggage somewhere safe once you get to wherever you’re going. Make use of the hotel safe or try to hide items or the suitcase in different parts of the room. Don’t carry your entire cash supply on your person, as it only takes an unfortunate incident for you to lose it all in a moment. Take only what you need for the day while out and about. 

One of the things that can help if you find yourself in a situation where you lose luggage or money is by protecting yourself with a travel insurance policy. Those needing medication might need to refer to more specialist providers like, do note this cover will still insure you for canceled flights, stolen purses, lost luggage, etc. 

Preparation for Health Emergencies

For those with certain medical conditions, packing for a trip requires taking a few extra steps to ensure safety.

In such instances, purchasing medical alert bracelets could be an incredibly valuable move. These bracelets could be your lifeline in case of a medical emergency, providing vital information to ensure you receive the right treatment even when you're miles away from home.

Being prepared will not only promote peace of mind but will also allow you to freely enjoy your travels without worrying about your health.

Know how to locate ‌essential stores

In case things go wrong, and you lose items like your clothing, it’s worth bookmarking for easy access to clothing stores on Google Maps.

Map out all the stores that are likely to stock any items of yours that went missing within the vicinity of your hotel. And you can systematically re-itemize your belongings. 

Aside from filling in for lost items, you should bookmark any local amenities near you as well. Should you run out of clothes, or they’ve got wet due to the weather, bookmarking things like local laundromats will also prove useful.

Similarly, you should bookmark local supermarkets, pharmacies, etc. should you need to stock up on quick snacks, bottles of water, or medication, for that matter. 

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