Packing for a Baby: A Helpful Guide to Baby Travel Essentials

Packing for a Baby: A Helpful Guide to Baby Travel Essentials

Before children, packing was simple and quick. We only needed to throw a few outfits in a suitcase and call it a day. It is more difficult to pack for a baby.

Even though babies are small, they still need a lot of stuff. After a few trips that were not easy, we learned from our mistakes.

That said, we have almost perfected the art of packing for a baby and what to leave behind.

The top travel essentials for babies: what to pack?

When you have limited space, it can be hard to decide what to pack for your baby. A packing list for your baby is a great way to ensure you don't forget any important things when you travel.

Your destination and the length of your stay may impact what baby travel essentials you need.

The most important factors to consider when deciding what to take and leave behind are how far you will be from home and where you're going.

You should remember that not all countries have the same safety equipment for children as you do at home. If you are only traveling locally, however, you will find the same family-friendly amenities as you are used to.

Complete list of essential travel items for babies: packing list for baby

This checklist will help you plan your next trip to another country or even to grandma's house. You can often buy diapers at your destination if you are trying to save space.

It's impossible to predict what might happen. You might be stuck without access to a shop because of layovers, cancellations, or missed flights. You want to be ready for anything. These items can be checked in luggage or carried on board with you.

Baby carrier

We have seen many trips with our baby and believe that a baby carrier is an absolute necessity! Strollers can be heavy, and not all streets and places are suitable for strollers. 

A baby carrier like the Ergobaby360 keeps your baby safe and comfortable while you go sightseeing. A baby carrier is a must-have travel item!

Baby gear

You might want to bring along some travel gear, depending on where you're going. You don't have to bring everything, but many of these essentials can be forgotten. Living without a portable high chair, a collapsible stroller, or a baby seat is possible. You will not need the luxury strollers if you have a baby carrier or a crib provided by hotels and rental car companies.

If you are traveling for a long time or need to bring your travel gear, it may be a good idea. However, most people can do without these items. We have links below to recommended products if you need them.

Although the best double stroller is great, it can be bulky. The stroller can often be left at home if you bring a baby carrier.

Wipes, diapers, and rash lotion

Don’t forget to take enough diapers or wipes if you are traveling for a long time. We recommend that you bring at least three days' worth of diapers and disposable wipes in your carry-on bag.

You can often buy these items at your destination. 

Cloth diapering

Traveling with a baby who is exclusively cloth diapered can prove difficult if you cannot do so. We cloth-diapered our baby at home but preferred to travel with disposable diapers. You must bring enough diapers to last three days without washing cloth diapers. 

Bottles, sippy cups, and cleaning tablets

You will need to take sippy cups or bottles with you, regardless of whether you breastfeed, formula feed, or plan to give your baby breast milk while you travel.

You should bring enough sippy cups or bottles to last a whole day. It is important to wash them every night during your trip.

Extra pacifiers

A pacifier is a great travel companion for babies, especially on flights where cabin pressure can affect their ears.

It is a good idea to have multiple pacifiers. Babies will throw them on the floor in the worst places.

Although we aren't usually germophobic, putting a pacifier in our baby's mouth after it has been dropped on an airplane floor is a bad idea.


Although this may seem obvious, you should make sure that you have enough clothing. Babies can be messy, so you must change your clothes at least once daily.

You can live with just 3-4 days of clothes if you have a washer/dryer.

Shoes and socks

Even if your baby cannot yet walk, socks and shoes are essential for traveling with babies. They will protect and keep your baby's feet warm.

We recommend a pair of flexible shoes or moccasins for babies that are lightweight and easy to walk in. Shoes with a firmer sole will be required as babies move closer to toddlerhood.

Wet bag

It is necessary to have a way for you to transport dirty, stained, or wet clothes in your luggage and keep them separate from clean clothes. It is essential for baby travel and is convenient to have a waterproof wet bag. A Ziploc bag is fine, but wet bags can be reused, and machine washed.

Baby bath products

Because babies have sensitive skin, soaps from hotels might be too harsh on their skin. If it gets into your baby's eyes, shampoo and soap from hotels can seriously irritate their eyes.

Use reusable containers to fill them with the larger baby lotion and bath products you have at our house.

First aid and medicine

We never travel without medicine and other first-aid supplies. This was a mistake we made on a trip to China. We panicked when we tried to find the right medicine and dosage requirements for our baby, as everything was in Chinese. 

Infant nail clippers

You can skip this step if your trip is short and just need to clip your baby's nails before leaving. If you are planning to travel for more than nine days, it is a good idea to pack your infant nail scissors.

We have seen our baby scratch her face every night on trips where we didn't pack them. Baby nails grow fast and are very sharp!

Sanitizing wipes

You can use a baby wipe for cleaning high-touch surfaces such as airplanes, hotels, and restaurants. However, they won't do much to sanitize. Traveling is more dangerous than ever because we are more susceptible to germs. Always have a set of hand-sanitizing wipes in your carry-on and day-pack when traveling.

Sound machine

You never know what to expect when you stay in a hotel or an Airbnb. The hotel will be located on a noisy street with the constant sound of engines and car horns throughout the night.

Are there noisy guests from nearby units who return to the room at 3 am every night? It is impossible to predict what will happen until you are there, so be ready so your baby can rest soundly.

Crib sheet

If you intend to use the hotel's crib or pack-n-play, bringing a crib sheet or nappy sheet from home is a good idea. This will allow you to bring the comfort and smell of home on your travels, so your baby can feel at home in a new setting.

Final thoughts

We hope you will find these baby travel tips and tricks helpful during your next trip with your baby.

Whether you are traveling cross-country or taking an overnight getaway, these are a few things we have found we cannot live without when traveling with a baby, and surely this list can be expanded for all families.

Happy traveling!

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