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How to Keep Your Dog Safe While Traveling

Taking a vacation with your dog can be a great way to relax and unwind while spending crucial time with your best friend.

But there can be risks associated with traveling that pet owners must be mindful of.

Here are some key factors that will ensure you keep your pooch safe while traveling.

Plan in advance 

The best way to keep man’s best friend safe while traveling is to plan ahead. Choose a suitable location that will be fun for both you and your dog.

It may also be beneficial to bring a list of everything you will need for your dog, including favorite toys and treats and. Pack the essentials and it will help keep your dog happy and healthy on your travels.

According to Terrier Hub, one thing that makes traveling with your dog easier is to bring some comforts from your home along on the trip, because a complete change to their environment can sometimes be unsettling (especially if it's their first time traveling).

Shots and vaccinations

Traveling to new areas can pose risks for animals. To protect your pets, a trip to the vet may be necessary to give your dog the all-clear to travel.

Other issues that can threaten your furry friend include other wildlife such as snakes and ticks, the latter of which contains a host of issues. September is the beginning of tick season so be mindful of this when exploring nature spots with your pet. 


Selecting a good place to vacation can make all the difference in keeping your pet safe on holiday.

Pets, including dogs, cats and even birds, are restricted from entering some areas, such as conservation parks and historic sites. The best way to keep your dog safe is to take them somewhere they are welcome.

There are a variety of pet-friendly holiday areas such as beaches and caravan parks to take your dog. Check the area you wish to visit has appropriate pet facilities, such as areas for your animal to do their business, as well as towing services if you're using a caravan (and get stuck).

If the area you are traveling to has a different climate, make sure you make necessary adjustments, such as equipping your pet with a warm coat for cold weather or getting them groomed for hot weather. You could give grooming your pet a go as a way to bond with your dog. 

Method of travel 

Once you’ve decided where you are going to travel, you need to decide how to get there. Traveling can be a stressful experience for your pet, so ensuring a smooth journey will help alleviate any concerns.

Traveling by car

If you’re traveling by car, there are a number of steps you need to take to keep your dog safe. Never leave your pet alone in the car, even in the shade with the windows open, as it takes very little for dogs to develop heatstroke, which can make them seriously ill.

Additionally, make sure your dog is securely strapped into the car with an appropriate dog seat belt. Supplying your dog with regular fresh water and food can also help keep him less anxious and more calm on journeys.

If your dog is prone to car-sickness, your vet should be able to prescribe medication to help alleviate their uncomfortable symptoms.

Traveling by plane 

Taking dogs on planes can be difficult. Unless it is an assistance animal, they must be held in the cargo. If this is the only method of travel available, ensure you adhere to the necessary vaccinations and quarantine schedules for your dog required by law.

Take your dog to the vet to ensure they are able to travel safely this way. The vet will conduct a health check to confirm. There are some restrictions on dogs flying, so ensure your pet is not on this list. 

Pack the essentials 

Even for short holidays, you need to make sure your dog has everything it usually has to keep them safe. Packing your dog their own little suitcase can make sure you remember to bring everything you need.  

Essentials include items such as:

  • Water bowls

  • Dog food

  • Medication

  • Dog bed

  • Favorite toys

  • Leash

  • Towels

  • Treats

It may also be beneficial to get pet insurance for your dog before traveling for extra peace of mind about their safety. Ensure you have an emergency number for a local vet in the area you are traveling in case you need to make quick contact.

Key Takeaways

Following these steps will help both you and your pet have a great time on your travels. Ensuring your dog is safe will help them feel like they have a home away from home while adventuring beside you. 

Lastly, make sure to check if any prohibitive travel restrictions are in place due to COVID-19 to ensure that you’re traveling safe. More information on travel restrictions can be found via the U.S. Department of State's website. 

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