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How to Stay Safe When Visiting Chicago: A Traveler’s Guide

Chicago is a huge city known for its historical landmarks and thriving nightlife. It's also famous for winding streets, over half named after Presidents. There you'll find the former home of Al Capone and where President Obama celebrated his inauguration in 2008.

However, Chi-town is also home to high rates of crime. According to a report by the city's police department, 2021 ended with about 800 homicides (an average of 66 per month). These scary statistics show the city's dark side that you'll have to be aware of to stay safe.

Fortunately, if you can observe the following seven rules, you will enjoy a safe visit while relishing everything the near north side has to offer.

Be aware of your surroundings at all times

There are certain places where you are more likely to be mugged or harmed than others. Overcrowded tourist attractions, pedways, transit hubs, and public transport make you more vulnerable to pickpocketing and mugging.

Avoid walking in deserted alleys. A mugging is more likely to happen in isolated spaces such as empty alleys. Be extra vigilant about your surroundings, and always trust your instincts. It is best to change the course if you feel someone suspicious has taken an interest in you.

Keep in touch with your loved ones

It's always good to stay in touch with your friends, host, or family. We know flashing your phone now and then is not a good idea, but a simple text will do. Keeping in touch will let your loved ones know you are safe.

Besides, keeping in touch also helps to create a pattern which, when broken, could mean you are in danger and could help your loved ones contact the police. Alternatively, you could let someone you trust track your movements via your phone.

Research your accommodation

Chicago is made up of different neighborhoods. Some are safe, while others are not. Neighborhoods such as West Garfield, East Garfield, North Lawndale, and Washington Park are notorious for having high crime rates.

These neighborhoods are also synonymous with the low-priced rental and hotel accommodations. A factor that leads many unsuspecting visitors right into the heart of the crime.

Avoid areas with above national crime ratings. To be on the safe side, keep your accommodation search in Chicago to verified and top-rated accommodation websites. 

Keep emergency cash separately

Anything could happen while visiting Chicago. You could lose all your valuables to muggers or have your room wiped clean. The rule of thumb when traveling to a new place is to keep emergency cash aside.

The cash does not necessarily have to be on your person. You could have two bank accounts. Remember to keep the card to your emergency account separate from your other cards.

Tone down on the partying

Yes, Chicago is big on nightlife. If you are not breaking a leg in one of the many music festivals around the town, cracking your ribs in a comedy club, or enjoying cool tunes in a jazz bar, you could be at a local drag race watching custom rides pull the asphalt from the earth.

Whatever it is you are doing for fun, don't overdo it. Every one of these entertainment spots is filled with opportunists waiting to make a killing from unsuspecting zoned-off tourists.

Yes, weed is illegal but don't go too hard on it. Ensure you are in a state of alertness and can make sound judgments when the need arises.

Travel with a tour company

You are less likely to be mugged or pickpocketed if you tour the city in a group. Using a trusted and reputable tour company is the best option to guarantee your safety while out exploring.

Muggers and pickpockets are more likely to target individual tourists than a group.

Keep your luggage with you

Do not leave your luggage unattended. Even in a hotel lobby, do not leave your luggage at your seat while going to the check-in desk.

Remember to conceal items such as your laptop, tablet, and phone. Valuable items kept in plain sight attract unwanted attention.

Welcome to Chicago!

With its bustling city streets and lively nightlife, it is no wonder Chicago is a popular destination for travelers worldwide. But as with any large city, there are some safety concerns to keep in mind.

We hope our tips will help you stay safe while enjoying everything the Windy City offers. Remember to be aware of your surroundings, keep your belongings close by, and take extra care, especially outside at night.

With a little bit of caution, you can have a great time in this wonderful city.

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