How to Plan For a Long-Haul Flight

How to Plan For a Long-Haul Flight

Everybody loves going on vacation. We all deserve a break from work from time to time, and escaping to somewhere far-flung and exotic is one of the most enjoyable ways to take that break. 

Unfortunately, along with off-the-beaten-path locations come long-haul flights.

If you're one of the incredibly lucky minorities who enjoy spending eight hours on a plane, kick back and enjoy your flight. 

However, if you find the whole process a little draining, we've got some tips on getting the most out of your flying experience. 

So, whether you want to arrive at your destination well rested, treat yourself to some pamper time, or learn all about the culture, then keep reading, as we've got some tips for you.

Let's dive in. 

Entertainment is Essential

mobile apps

The first and most important tip is that even if you're the most gifted meditator in the world, some entertainment is important. Bringing a book is a good idea, and we'll touch more on that later, but perhaps even better than a book is a game or two. 

Board games are great. The travel-sized versions of them are the perfect luggage-sized, no-battery solution. 

Of course, sometimes you leave things a little late. If that's the case, there are always apps. Scrabble, Monopoly, and Uno all have their own apps, which are even more portable than the travel-sized versions. 

You will have to pay for some of them, but others you can download and use them completely free.

Online Gaming

One of the great things about long-haul flights is that it is possible to use WiFi on most of them. This means that even those who've left their preparations until the very last minute needn't worry about being left without any means of entertaining themselves.

Online gaming sites are easy to access, and there are thousands of gaming options. Those who enjoy strategy games could play card games like poker or blackjack at Ignition Casino, while those who prefer point-and-click games might head to Miniclip instead. 

This tip is totally down to personal preference, but it's well worth having a fully charged laptop or smartphone to keep you connected.

Snacks and Drinks

crave organic snack

Make sure that you're catered for. Airlines will offer you a main meal and often snacks too, but the pre-packaged airline food can be disappointing, and the available menu is almost always eye-wateringly expensive. 

Not to mention that if you're a fussy eater or travelling with one, bringing some of your own snacks is a must.

How To Shop

Whilst packing for a road trip means you can bring whatever you'd like, there are airline rules that you should follow. The first is to remember that generally, you can't take a drink with you as the 100ml rule will prohibit that.

If you want to bring a drink, then you'll need to buy it from the airport after you've passed through security. As for food, most airlines are happy for you to bring whatever you want, but having a little consideration for your fellow passengers is sensible. 

Tinned fish and egg sandwiches are probably off the menu.

Here are some of the best snacks to keep your hunger satisfied (and not bother your seatmates): 

  1. Trail mix 

  2. Nuts and seeds  

  3. Yoghurt-covered pretzels 

  4. Protein bars  

  5. Fruits and vegetables  

  6. Dark chocolate 

  7. Edamame  

  8. Popcorn 

  9. Granola bars  

  10. Dried fruit

Pamper Yourself

carry on suitecase

Everybody knows that flying dehydrates you. The air quality in the cabin is shockingly poor and needs to be constantly recycled, meaning that your skin is likely to feel dry when you land. 

Instead of just accepting this, take charge of it by keeping the right items in your carry-on luggage.

Board the airplane with a bare face and start your beauty regime once you take your seat. A cotton pad and micellar water will take any airport grime off your skin. 

Then you can tone, use serums and moisturise just as you would at home. 

If you'd like to add in a face, lip, or eye mask, then you've got the luxury of time, which is the one thing many of us lack from our beauty regime.

Assimilate With the Culture

If you're travelling to a country where they speak a different language, then your flight time can be the perfect opportunity to swat up a little. 

Apps like Babbel and Duolingo offer a user-friendly approach to language learning. Plus, they've cleverly gamified the learning experience to ensure that they're fun as well as educational.

Spending just half an hour of your flight learning the basics could help you get out of a sticky spot on your vacation or even make sure you know how to order a few beers confidently.

Travel Books

travel books

As well as language learning apps, a great way of assimilating with the culture is to read a little about it first. 

Travel books are an obvious choice, as there'll be all kinds of information on the place you're travelling to.

However, sometimes a nicer way to get a feeling for a place is to read a regular fiction book close to where you're going. 

A Year in Provence and Driving Over Lemons were both incredibly popular with people travelling to their respective regions but were nothing more than pleasant stories that were set there. 

Wrapping up

Overall, planning ahead and making the most of your long-haul flight is important. 

By taking the time to build an entertainment kit, pack snacks, and have a plan for how to stay comfortable and entertained, you can make the experience enjoyable. 

So remember, use your preparation to make the journey as easy and enjoyable as possible. 

Bon voyage!

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