How To Install Aluminium Fence

How To Install Aluminium Fence

Aluminum fencing is all the rage today because it is a quick upstart from metal fences that rust under the elements. Aluminum fencing is affordable, suits every landscaping style out there, and is superbly easy to install. You can install small decorative aluminum fences to enhance the beauty of your property or build a giant fence to keep strangers and animals out.

Let’s look at how you can install an aluminum fence properly, with details from scratch. Even if you have never built a fence, this guide will be easy for you to follow.

Procuring Materials For An Aluminum Fence Installation

Aluminum fences require posts and panels of the correct width and height to be built. The panels have several ornamental styles, like pressed points and flat-top. The post caps come in different shapes and sizes to accommodate the thought design. They are drilled beforehand in the corner for placement, the line of the fence, or the end.

You will need three types of aluminum posts to build a fence:

  1. End posts can be used for starting or completing the fence since it has holes only on one side.

  2. Gate posts are end posts but more robust to support the weight of a strong gate. Again, appropriate gate hardware is essential here.

  3. Corner posts, as their name suggests, have holes on the adjacent sides - which helps make right angles.

  4. Line posts have holes in opposite directions, so if you want straight lines of the fence - this is the post you need.

The Layout For The Aluminum Fence Installation

The layout is crucial to getting the aluminum fence installation right because aluminum doesn’t do well with extreme slopes - gentle slopes in the land are okay. Also, the layout measurement would better fulfill the fence's purpose - because strong posts are not the only way to make the fence efficient.

  1. Mark out your fence map with stakes from start to end.

  2. Connect the corner post points with a taut string to map the line along which we must place the line posts.

  3. Stake the line post positions with the help of the fence manufacturer’s instructions. The stakes must touch the taut string so that the line post positions are in one line.

  4. If you want to include any opening or gates between the line posts, place the stakes apart to accommodate the opening size - but keep them in one line along the string.

Stepped Versus Raked Slope

You have a choice to change the slope of the aluminum fence as per the terrain. For example, if your property has an inclination below 12 inches for a six-foot-long fence, you have to make your panels slanted or raked. The fence must have a uniform foundation, especially if you want the fence to protect your property from animals. For a raked fence, no new materials are required.

If the slope is more than 12 inches for a six-foot-long fence, you have to make your fence stair-stepped. In this case, we have to use end posts instead of line posts to go with the landscape. End posts have holes on only one side - you can drill holes at appropriate places to accommodate the railings of the stepped-up panels.

Digging The Fence Holes

There is no more significant part of fence construction than the holes that will bear them. You can use a post auger or a post hole digger to dig holes at dimensions specified by the fence manufacturer. Ensure the holes are wider at the bottom and taper to the top so the fences can hold firm. Fill each hole with six inches of gravel to absorb any trace of water inside. 

To save time, you can put out the fence for a dry fitting to save time before digging holes for the line posts.

Installing The Aluminium Fence

Now, you can set the posts in the holes and fasten the panels. Every fence manufacturer has separate measurements for installing the posts and the panels. Ensure that the distance between the posts and the depth of the holes adhere to the fence manufacturer’s instructions.

Installing The Aluminum Fence Gate

Once the posts have been installed, it is time for the fence gate to be installed.

  1. Ensure that the gate posts are measured in width. They should be 2 inches in measurement, and the concrete should have dried.

  2. Ensure that you have the swing direction of the gate right by referring to the fence layout guide.

  3. Your fence-building kit will have screws provided. Install hinges with the help of these screws on the gate frame.

  4. Have someone hold the gate frame while you connect the hinges to the gate post.

  5. Position the gate frame accordingly and install a screw each in every hinge. Now, close the Magna Latch.

  6. Try to swing the gate if it swings okay, put in the other screws in the hinges.

  7. Let the concrete around the gate post harden over a day or two to be on the safe side.

If you want to make a double drive gate, you can combine two gates at no charge for the drop road. These gates fit as per opening size - a 10-inch double drive gate will fit a 10-inch opening on the gate post.


Should Aluminum Fence Posts Be Set In Concrete?

Setting aluminum posts in concrete prevents the weakening effect of rusting over time. You wouldn’t want your DIY fence to weaken and break over time due to corrosion, making it a safety hazard. The concrete layer on the aluminum fence ensures that the fence is stable and strong for many more years to come.

How Far Apart Should Aluminum Fence Posts Be?

Aluminum fence posts should be set 72.5” apart, measuring from the center of each post. However, the gate posts are set 1” wider than the gate width to allow space for the hinges to be installed.

How Deep Should Aluminum Fence Posts Be?

For stability, aluminum fence posts should be one-third of their height below the ground. For gate posts, the mandatory depth is 30 inches.

How Much Concrete Do I Need For Aluminum Fence Posts?

You will need roughly 1-4 bags of concrete, depending on the size and height of the posts, the weight of the bag, the soil, and the fence design.

Confused? Call A Professional With Your Fence Idea!

We have a general idea of what is required for an aluminum fence installation. In case you didn’t know all of this before, this information will help you while consulting a professional fence company with your fence design. Some measurements will vary across soil types, post and panel sizes, and fence design.

A professional would give you product recommendations that suit your fence design and help you with new ideas if you want to customize them.

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