Flying Private vs. Flying First Class: A Comparison

Flying Private vs. Flying First Class: A Comparison

For many weary travelers, the top-notch treatment and amenities they have access to when traveling first-class can definitely take away some of the burdens associated with traveling. However, despite the "first-class" treatment you will receive as a first class passenger, you will still be at the mercy of commercial airlines. 

This means, unlike private jet charters, you'd still be subject to all the hassles of flying commercial—missed connections, delays, security lines, and yes, even fellow passengers snoring next to you. If anything, that's the experience you can expect regardless if you are flying for business or pleasure.

Fortunately, you are spared from all those petty annoyances when you fly on a private jet. And that's just for starters. If you are on the fence about whether to fly private or first class, this article will hopefully help you decide one way or the other.

Private Jet vs. First Class: Which One is Right for You?

Private Jet

When flying private, you will have access to VIP catering. On short flights, this includes salad, fruits, sandwiches, pastries, and cold meats. Champagne, tea, soft drinks, and coffee are also available onboard.

Thanks to the bespoke nature of private jet charters, you also have the option to request for any sort of amenity to be available during your flight. That means from specific brands of teas to birthday cakes, providers will go to great lengths to ensure your needs are met.

There's no denying traveling on a private jet is expensive. However, when you are flying several people and your time is taken into consideration, the cost is not as outlandish.

First Class

Depending on the airline, a first class ticket from Los Angeles to Las Vegas can cost from $700 to $1,000. However, when traveling overseas, opting for first-class over flying private is considered more cost-effective.

Come to think of it, long flights will need a more expensive plane with a broader range. In comparison, a commercial flight is cheaper unless you travel with many people and you buy everyone first class seats!

Commercial aircrafts also have access to large airports, so if your destination is outside the nearest metropolitan area, you will need significant round-trip driving time to get from the metro airport to your destination.


When you fly private, you will be chartering an entire jet. On the other hand, when you fly first class, you are only chartering a seat. Understandably, chartering an aircraft is more expensive than purchasing a single seat. 

For many routes, the price per seat is less when you fly private. This is especially true when you fill all the seats on the flight. However, if you fly internationally, you will require a larger aircraft with a more significant range, which often translates to a more costly charter.

Most businesses use private jets on a routine basis as the cost can be beneficial. When you fly several people on your private jet, you can get a better deal since the private charter's cost is divided by the number of individuals on board.


Without a doubt, one of the primary attractions of a private jet charter is unrivaled comfort. While flying first class also has several advantages (i.e., food and additional legroom), a private flight takes it up a notch through personalization.

Whether it's entertainment or catering, you have the luxury to request various kinds of amenities. Since you (and your companions) are the only passengers, you will get VIP service. On top of that, you also have the option to pick an airplane that will best suit your requirements.


In a way, first-class passengers have a similar experience to economy class passengers. While you have a luxurious lounge to wait in and you get a prioritized check-in, everything else is more or less identical, including the need to arrive at least two hours before the departure. 

When you are flying private, you won't need a lounge since you won't have to wait anymore. If anything, one of the key differences between the two is the time saved. With their expedited systems, you can also save at least an hour each flight. You can even land at a private airport, saving you additional time in the process. 

Other Considerations

If you are flying privately, you have the option to bring almost anything—skis, golf clubs, bulky items, and even your pets! It is also improbable that you'll lose any of your items as you won’t be checking them like on commercial airlines.

Private planes may also provide better access for the injured, elderly, and handicapped. At first glance, it would seem like flying private is excessive, like owning an expensive yacht or a sports car.

However, when you factor in the value of your time, it's easy to see, it could make more sense to fly private. And since private jets can fly into smaller airports, they can get you to your location faster. 

Not only that, flyers won't have to put up with long security lines at large airports. For those who value their time. If you so wish, you can also conduct meetings aboard your private jet.

Wrapping Up

Flying first class makes the most sense when flying longer distances and with a small group of people.

However, if you are looking to save time and flying with a large group, it might just make more sense to fly private!

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