7 Design Ideas For A Small Study Room

7 Design Ideas For A Small Study Room

Although the world is experiencing a constant growth in home sizes, the cost of building comfortable and spacious houses is becoming unbearable.

Apartments are also lagging in size increase as most developers try to optimize the reducing lot sizes. Hence, developing a small study room becoming a common alternative for most city dwellers.

An ideal workstation should incorporate your interests and interior design concepts to improve productivity.

It must inspire comfort and limit distractions, allowing you to study or work efficiently. The study room is a private space that should reflect your character. The decorations, organization, and fittings should suit your taste and liking.

Utilize Feng Shui Concepts in Your Interior Design Ideas for Study Room

Feng shui entails creating a balance with nature by organizing items in a room in a specific order. This ideology seeks to harmonize the individual with their environment by harnessing the energies around them.

In this case, incorporating Feng shui concepts in your design ideas for the study room will increase your comfort and productivity, allowing you to successfully crank out your college essay. But if you still need some help, don’t be afraid to seek a college admission essay writing service.

Lastly, remember that the arrangement of your furniture must adhere to the principles of Taoism or the way of nature.

The commanding position

The philosophy of Feng shui requires one to establish a commanding position in the living space farthest and not in direct line with the door. This spot will hold the most important sitting position in the room.

In this case, you should position your study desk in a commanding position to harness the room's energy and avoid distractions.

The Bagua map

The Bagua map places an individual at the center of a room, surrounded by eight areas of importance representing the family, wealth, knowledge, fame, partnership, children, tai chi, career, and helpful people.

These areas have specific colors and matching elements to help you organize your living space. Identify two to three areas from your Bagua map and focus your energy on strengthening them.

Although the study room focuses significantly on knowledge and career, it also involves all the other areas. This information will guide you in selecting the walls' colors and positioning other items.

The five elements

Similarly, the five elements are from Taoism and represent important phases in your life. Feng shui concepts focus on balancing these elements with your Bagua map using colors, shapes, and arrangement.

The five elements of metal, earth, wood, water, and fire effectively determine the room's organization in line with the eight Bagua areas and stress the two to three focal ones.

For instance, if studying is associated with your career and passion, you may have to mix curvy and pointed shares to match the water and fire elements.

You may also consider connecting blackish and reddish colors to combine boldness and passion. If you are a student, your education is the most important activity in your life.

Whether you want a study room for writing or reading, you need a comfortable space with few or no distractions.

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Here Are Some Study Room Ideas for Small Rooms

1. Make the most of the walls

Most ideas for small study rooms are inspired by the lack of space or the need to create a comfort zone. In most cases, you want a small study room when you don't have the luxury of space. Hence, you must maximize the little space you have by making use of the walls.

Customize your furniture and fittings to fit in the room without compromising the appearance. Design a foldable desk or wall-mounted couch. Build floating shelves or mount your study lamp on the wall.

2. Maximize natural lighting

Lighting is directly related to your mood and productivity. Working in a naturally lit area will guarantee your concentration and focus. Position your desk directly from natural light to maximize the lighting. Use bright colors on the wall facing a natural light source to illuminate the room.

3. Ensure sufficient ventilation

Similarly, ventilation will influence your concentration and performance. Ensure your room is properly aerated by installing the correct vents or an air conditioner. Avoid clamping items together to prevent dust from accumulating in areas you can't always reach. Remove items you don't regularly use as they often harbor dust.

4. Create a comfy floor

Build a comfortable flow using warm materials or installing a carpet. A smooth, hard flow may be easy to clean but also discourage you from spending time in the study room. A wooden floor with an artistic rug as a carpet will make the room warmer and cozy.

5. Avoid bulky furniture

Use custom furniture to develop a layout that matches your needs and preferences. The desk, seats, tables, and chairs should be easy to move around and reorganize without external assistance. You will not always have the money and time to hire someone to move your furniture.

Besides, a small study room may not even have enough space for two or more people. Thus, bulky furniture may be limiting and obviously unsuitable for such a room.

6. Combine bold and bright colors

Choosing the interior paint color for your study area or any other part of your house is a complex but exciting process.

Always start with the colors you love and try matching them with your household items, especially curtains and furniture. Bold colors are warm and inspiring. Having one or two bold colors such as Xanadu and Burgundy invokes a sense of comfort and power.

On the other hand, bright colors illuminate the room by reflecting the light and spreading it. Research color design ideas for study rooms before making the final decision, letting nature and print media influence your choices.  

7. Turn your fittings into decorations that match your taste

Study room ideas for home often emanate from your household needs. If you need a study area, you are unlikely to have a chest of drawers or shelves for your books.

You may want to combine your small study area with flexible compartments for your reading materials. In this case, turning your fittings into decorations will help you avoid some common design mistakes, such as having your clatter on display.

Ordinary shelves and chests of drawers expose your disorganization by filling up space and ruining the artistic presentation. Design your fittings to create art or incorporate wall hangings and paintings.

Wrapping Up

We hope that this article can help you come up with ideas of your own for designing a small study room or a mini library in your home. Whether you go big or go small, embrace the idea of creating an entirely new space for your child to study and read.

Not only will it be more comfortable, but it shows that you are dedicated to helping your child grow intellectually.

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