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Camping Guide: Things to Know Before You Go

No matter how much you love your job or how exciting your work may seem, the daily grind can get the best of even the most enthusiastic worker. If you are tired of your hectic work schedule and need to take time off, camping is just what you need.

Stepping back, unplugging, and enjoying the peace and quiet of Mother Nature is a great way to recharge. Save yourself from burning out and plan your next camping trip at the earliest opportunity. 

Disconnect From the Busy World

Camping can be a fun and adventurous way that you can spend quality time with your loved ones. It is fun and relaxing to sit around a campfire, toast marshmallows, sing songs, and bond with your friends and family.

Disconnect yourself from the chaos of urban life and get in touch with yourself. Bask in the sunlight, and soak amidst nature, and break free from the stress and monotony of everyday life.

Benefits of Camping

In addition to those mental health benefits, camping may also have a noticeable impact on your overall health.

Like exercise, it effectively stimulates happy hormones in your body and reduces stress. Naturally, a stress-free mind can work better and process information differently.

As a result, this directly affects your memory and how you can retain certain information. Additionally, being out in the sun ensures that you get sufficient vitamin D, which again has its own set of benefits. 

Contrary to popular belief, camping is not just for the strong-willed, the tough, or the passionate adventurers.

It is okay if you never want to go rock climbing or rafting. It’s okay if you want to stick to short and easy trails. You don’t have to push your body to any physical limits to enjoy a great camping trip. 

Things You Need To Know Before You Go Camping

There are a few essentials you must remember to carry with you no matter what. For example, a camping survival kit consisting of all the first-aid and camping tools is a must, and so is a personal sleeping bag.

You should also consider a signal flare, whistle, or a personal locator beacon if you plan on hiking. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind before you set out camping. Follow our comprehensive guide to avoid any last-minute hassle and enjoy a stress-free trip.

Check the weather forecast

One of the main things to keep in mind before you set off is to check the weather around your camping spot.

In case this information is not available, check the prevailing weather conditions of the district to ensure that you don't get caught amidst a storm, or worse, snow. This is crucial as it helps you stay prepared and plan efficiently for your trip.

Create a checklist

Creating a detailed checklist ensures you have planned your trip well. Before you set out, sit down and list the things you plan on carrying.

One of the foremost things on your checklist should be the camping survival kit. This kit should consist of all the necessary items needed to survive in the wild. 

Choose a spacious backpack

Choosing a spacious and comfortable backpack should be another high priority before you start packing.

You should pick a backpack bag that can comfortably accommodate all your belongings without any risk of them falling off or your backpack ripping open.

If you plan on hiking or trekking, keep in mind the number of days your journey will take.

If you plan for 2-4 days of camping, you need to select a backpack with space of about 60 to 80 liters. Likewise, if you plan on returning within 1-2 days then a backpack with space of about 20 to 40 liters should suffice.

Don’t forget the food

Camping will require you to cook your meals. If you don’t have far to travel from your vehicle to your campsite, you might want to bring along a portable charcoal grill for an easy and hot meal. You may also need to be prepared to cook over a campfire. 

Lighting a campfire can be quite a task for the inexperienced, however, going hungry is not an option. Learning to light a fire should be a top priority before you set out camping.

The stone age is long gone, so you aren’t expected to strike rocks and start your bonfire. Make sure to pack some stormproof matches just in case it rains.

In addition to that, also carry newspapers and cardboard pieces to help the fire sustain, along with a few bowls, cups, and cutlery.

If you’re packing disposable items, bring a trash bag and leave your campsite in the same condition you found it. You don’t want to litter!

Carry some snacks with you

While you may try and predict it, the weather is not something you can control.

Temperamental weather often means no dry wood and this can pose a huge problem — especially while lighting your campfire.

Carrying snacks and ready-to-eat food is the smartest thing you can do on these camping trips. Healthy or fried, packaged food always comes to the rescue in situations like these.

There are a wide variety of camping snacks available in the market that include avocado chips, pumpkin coconut granola, campfire popcorn, bars, and nuts. 

Choose an efficient sleeping bag

You should choose a spacious and economical sleeping bag when camping. After a day of hiking and trekking, laying down in a comfortable sleeping bag is the best feeling.

These bags come in different sizes. Make a smart choice by picking one that is waterproof, easy to pack, lightweight, and provides good insulation.

Prepare a camping survival kit

As discussed earlier, a camping survival kit is non-negotiable. It should consist of essential items such as water bottles, non-perishable food, first aid kit, torch, lantern, mosquito and insect repellent, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, backup battery for your gadgets, and a radio.

Apart from these things, your kit should also have tools such as a screwdriver, knife, blade, scissor, opener, and other accessories you may deem necessary.

Moreover, a map of the campsite may turn out to be a lifesaver in case your gadgets fail you.

Carry only necessary gadgets

You should always camp light. It is important to remember that your trip started with the thought of getting away from technology, and carrying too many gadgets on your trip may defeat the entire purpose.

Pack only the necessary items and avoid those which are not required. This also ensures you have sufficient space in your backpack for other essential items and it doesn’t become too heavy.

Items you could carry include your smartphone, charger, binoculars, camera, and a radio. 

Pack appropriate clothing

Wearing the right kind of clothing makes all the difference, especially while camping.

You should avoid light-colored or denim during this trip and carry clothes that are waterproof or synthetic, and lightweight.

Similarly, you should only wear woolen socks and avoid socks made from other materials to prevent leeches from getting inside your shoes.

Normal footwear like sandals, sports shoes, or sneakers are a big no-no when it comes to camping. Instead, wear boots with a strong sole so that you get a firm grip on the ground while walking.

Furthermore, carry a hat or cap to protect your head and your skin. You should also carry rainwear in case of unexpected rainfall.

Final thoughts

Now that you’re brushed up with the camping essentials, all that’s left is to plan your trip and head out on your camping adventure!

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