11 Advantages Of Installing Window Air Conditioners

11 Advantages Of Installing Window Air Conditioners

Over the years, air conditioner systems have become a necessity in our lives. Surviving through the summer heat without an air conditioner is nothing less than a nightmare.

But the rising cost of electricity has made it difficult to rely on central cooling systems inside the house. 

Homeowners are looking for affordable and efficient ways of beating the intolerable summer heat. And a window air conditioner is a genuine solution for many.

Window ACs have been available in the market since 1932, and their popularity is still strong.

In this blog, we will talk about the benefits of installing window air conditioners in detail. 

11 Benefits of Window Air Conditioners 

Window air conditioners are a popular choice among homeowners as energy costs continue to skyrocket. Installing a window air conditioner has several benefits, including efficiency and savings.

Here are some of the top window AC benefits in our homes. 

1. Room-Specific Cooling 

Homeowners typically go for central HVAC systems to cool the entire house at the same time. While it is an efficient way of cooling, it costs a decent amount of money. If your house has several rooms which remain unoccupied most of the day, window air conditioners are a great way of cooling the rooms you use to your desired temperature. 

Window air conditioners only cool the room in which it is installed. This helps to save energy by preventing cooling the areas of the house where it is not needed. 

2. Outstanding Efficiency 

Efficiency is the most important factor of an air conditioner, and window air conditioning systems are highly energy efficient.

On top of that, newer models come out almost every year, equipped with the latest technology. So, if you are looking for top-notch cooling at a reasonable price, then window ACs are the best choice. 

3. Affordability

One of the biggest advantages of installing a window air conditioner is the affordable pricing. These air conditioners are equipped with components that fit into a compact size.

Window ACs come with several new features, including Wi-Fi connectivity, eco modes, scheduling features, and so on. But they are much more affordable compared to split or central air conditioner systems. 

4. Ease Of Installation 

Installing this air conditioner system is much simpler compared to split ACs and Central HVAC units. And homeowners often prefer to install the window AC on their own. 

Typically, removing an air conditioner and relocating it is nothing less than a hassle. Reinstallation also takes up a significant amount of time and effort.

However, the case is different when it comes to window air conditioners. In this case, removing and reinstalling the system does not take long, and the process is quite easy. 

5. Takes Very Little Space To Install

Window air conditioners are typically installed in bedrooms in order to cool the room individually when required. And not everybody has the space to install multiple units of the air conditioner in their home. 

Central and split air conditioners are often split into two units or more. In comparison, the window air conditioning system comes in one compact unit. 

A/C takes very little space for installation; you only have to make space for one unit. You can either install it in a window or have a window-sized hole cut into the wall to place the AC. 

6. Low Installation Costs 

We all know how expensive installing a split or central air conditioner is. And a high installation cost is due to the complexity of the air conditioning system installation.

However, window air conditioners come with an extremely easy installation process. And this results in very low installation costs. 

7. Fewer Maintenance 

Air conditioning systems require maintenance throughout the year. This includes air filter cleaning, seasonal tuning, air conditioner repairs, replacements, and many more. But the good thing about window air conditioning systems is that the maintenance requirements for these systems are quite low. 

These systems do not require as much maintenance as central or split air conditioners. This means that you do not always need to clean or service your AC by a professional. 

8. Prolonged Lifespan 

The components of a window air conditioner are all packed in a single unit. The simplicity of the design and the low requirements for maintenance help this air conditioning system last for several years with ease. Typically, window air conditioners have a lifespan between 15 to 20 years. 

On the other hand, the other air conditioner types usually last for 10 to 15 years. Ensuring regular clean-up and servicing of the window ACs can provide great performance for longer. 

9. Low Maintenance Cost 

There are a lot of things that go into the regular maintenance of an air conditioner. Over time, the air conditioning system requires frequent repairs and replacements, which cost significant money.

As we discussed earlier, window air conditioners are fairly low maintenance. And fewer servicing or repairs mean the maintenance cost will be very low.

10. Multifunctional 

So far, we have only discussed the cooling system and benefits of the window air conditioner. But it has other uses as well. 

Window air conditioning system is useful to homeowners during the summer and equally helpful in the winter. It has both cooling and heating ability in one unit. So, you can enjoy comfort in both summer and winter at a low cost. 

11. Preserves Exterior Of The House

Split air conditioners or central air conditioners have outdoor units that are installed outside the house.

However, these units often affect the décor or overall aesthetic of the home’s exterior. With a single unit, window air conditioners do not affect the beauty of the exterior in any manner. 

Summing Up 

The smart look and features of split and central air conditioning systems often overshadow window air conditioners. Even though these systems are not the perfect choice for interior aesthetics, their benefits are amazing. But very few homeowners know the actual value of window ACs and rely on them. 

You can save a lot of money on installation, maintenance, and so on by installing window air conditioners. Not to mention the energy savings and outstanding lifespan that these systems offer. If you want a great air conditioner experience at a reasonable price, then rely on a window AC. 

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